The 2017 European MSM Internet Survey was a collaborative HIV prevention needs assessment for men who have sex with men, following on from a similar survey conducted in 2010. This article picks out a few highlights, but further analyses are likely to be published over the coming months and years. The report shows considerable differences between countries, reflecting Europe’s diversity with respect to sexual health and behaviour of gay and bisexual men. The comprehensive report for EMIS 2017 has data on a huge range of indicators.
Published yesterday, the European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS) 2017 also shows that significant numbers of men do not know that ‘undetectable = untransmittable’ that chemsex is reported by small numbers of men throughout the continent and that internalised homonegativity and poor mental health are common. A survey of close to 128,0000 gay and bisexual men living across Europe shows that just 3.3% have ever taken pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), although 7% had tried to obtain it and 45% would be likely to use it if it were available and affordable.