You’ll receive suggestions around what to wear, typical sizes for your body type, and more. Reading this article will provide you with the guidance you need to determine what your body type is, and from there you’ll be able to click on an article dedicated solely to your body type. We have identified nine different body types and two body type modifications: Irregular and Athletic. To that end, we’ve put together a collection of articles that detail the ins and outs of various male body types. Not all men are created physically equal, and we have to account for different body types when we talk about getting dressed. This is wonderful in the hypothetical world, but practically speaking, it’s a different ball game. Jacket sleeves end at a certain length, trouser waistbands hit at a certain point, and shirts fit in a certain way. Menswear is chock full of “rules” that theoretically apply to anyone wearing men’s clothes.
If you need help figuring out what body type best describes you, read on! An Introduction To Male Body Types If you know your body type and would like to jump to it immediately, please click the appropriate link below: